Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in one of Ruddington’s recently built and therefore (by law) much more energy-efficient houses, the chances are your home is probably losing rather a lot of precious heat at this time of year.
Not only do older and more traditional properties generally use more energy, resulting in higher fuel bills, it means they also have a greater impact on our planet. This is at a time when many villagers are increasingly concerned about the effects of ‘Climate Change’. Thankfully, help is at hand for Ruddington residents this week!
On Monday, 26th February, we’re being invited to St Peter’s Rooms on Church Street for a FREE ‘Energy Advice Event’.* It’s been organised by Groundwork Five Counties (GFC), is supported by The Environment Agency and sponsored by Ridge Clean Energy – the company which recently received approval to construct a large solar farm south of Ruddington.
GFC’s Area Manager Debra Laking says: “We will be offering free advice from our ‘Green Doctors’ and arranging home visits for anyone that wants one, to identify areas for improvement. Green Doctors are trained energy-efficiency experts that help UK residents stay warm, stay well, and save money on household bills. They offer free, impartial advice to help people to take control of their bills, reduce waste in the home, and access other services and initiatives available.”
During the home visit, which will also be free of charge, thanks to Rushcliffe Borough Council ‘Shared Prosperity Funding’, Green Doctors will assess the causes of heat loss, tackle any damp or mould problems, and offer tips and tricks to save energy and water. They also offer a range of small energy and water efficiency measures, such as draft excluders, to make the most of energy and resources.
Debra explains: “In some cases we also help people to switch energy providers and access other forms of support. These include emergency heating, government subsidies or grants, and advice on energy or water debt. A home visit by the Green Doctor, their advice, installation of items and further support is absolutely free of charge!”
Also during Monday’s event there’ll be a representative from the Environment Agency to chat about small changes we could make in our gardens to help reduce the impact of local flooding.
Groundwork’s Landscape Architect will be there to chat to and can make suggestions to make gardens more wildlife and environmentally friendly, too.
Plus, you’ll be able to pick up free energy saving bulbs, enter a raffle for energy saving items, and enjoy complimentary tea, coffee, biscuits and cake, too.
*No appointment is necessary. Simply pop in to St Peter’s Rooms on 26th February 2024, anytime between 10am and 2pm. Everyone’s welcome!

If you’re unable to attend this event here in Ruddington, you can email them instead on greendoctor@groundworknottingham.org.uk to sign up for the service for yourself or on behalf of another person.